If someone has dispensed you a cheque that has been dishonoured or that has turned into bad cheque and has been returned by the drawee bank uncleared or someone who has been served a cheque by you, that has been dishonoured or has been returned by the Bank uncleared, has initiated a notice against you, LAWTENDO will help you find a top rated, experienced cheque bounce lawyer in Ahju, Mandi for your legal needs and requirements.
In the current era, Cheques are used in almost all transactions, be the guarantee of loan recovery, Landlord tenant agreements, tenders, payment of salary to employees, payments of bills, in the trade, business and MSME sectors etc. Cheques have become an integral part of our day to day transactions.
A cheque is a negotiable instrument which has been defined under Section 6 of the Negotiable Instruments Act,1881. The person who is the author of the Cheque is called the ‘Drawer’, the person in whose favour the cheque is signed is called the ‘Payee’ and the bank which is directed to pay the amount is called the ‘Drawee.’
The most common offence in today’s financial world is the bouncing of cheques. According to the Supreme Court Of India, there are close to 40 lakhs of cheque bounce cases pending in the court. Lack of funds in the account is one of the main reasons for dishonour of cheques.
Under the Negotiable Instruments act 1881, if the cheque is dishonoured or bounced, Drawer may be subject to imprisonment for a term which may extend to Two years imprisonment or with fines which may extend to Twice the amount of cheque or both. Our best cheque bounce lawyers indeed get you, your money along with interest.
Many a times even after taking all the precautionary measures and taking useful safeguards, cheques can get dishonoured from Drawer’s account. There can be various reasons for this but insufficient funds and the closure of bank accounts are most common.
But in the busy life, finding a suitable cheque bounce lawyer is a Herculean Task, We at Lawtendo, Provide you legal consultation for cheque bounce from the expert lawyer in Ahju, Mandi
To assist you in cases related to cheque bounce, Lawtendo provide you legal service where best cheque bounce lawyers provide you legal advice required for your guaranteed recovery.
Get a Legal consultation for Cheque Bounce from expert lawyers in Ahju, Mandi on Lawtendo.com