Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Does a muslim nikah if registered under Special Marriage Act 1954 sect 16 requires court decree for dissolution or will it be sufficient to send a legal notice to wife mentioning Talaqul hasan?
Posted by : Sameen
Posted on : 2020-10-06
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
How can we make our stand our our ancestral property if our father is living in there
Posted by : Nitesh gusain
Posted on : 2020-08-08
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Under Muslim Law what is the procedure for mutual divorce?
Posted by : Hansika Sharma
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
My Wife is not ready to give divorce to me. Now what is my legal obligation if i leave my rented home and fly out of india without informing anyone(Not even to my parents) Am i legally bound by anything? Can i be subject to any legal criminal proceedings? And by any chance if my wife commit suicide after i leave home, can i be legally liable? I am not willing to harm her but would like to just disappear and never come back to home. And what happens if I do not leave country but leave the state and go at some unknown place in india? Which is more safe? Leaving state or leaving india? I do not want to follow painful divorce proceedings and I am also not willing to give any alimony/maintenance. We do not have any child. As such i do not have any property/car/jewelry. I have everything in cash/bank balance. So I am free from any assets/investment. I will be grateful if you can give detailed reply.
Posted by : Niraj
Posted on : 2019-03-11
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
How can a NRI couple get mutual divorce who had been married in India? Where will they file the petition?
Posted by : Hariom Sharma
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Harrasment by husband for divorce
Posted by : Sweta
Posted on : 2020-10-24
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
What is the procedure for mutual consent divorce under Special Marriage Act, 1954?
Posted by : Haseen Akhtar
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Hi Sir/madam i married in dec 2017. Marriage didnt work out. My so called wife fought with my mother and went to her mother house. I waited for her to come back, she didnt. We dont have kids. She asked for sepertae family, which I dont agree. I applied for contested divorce in mar 2019. They fixed lawyer in jan 2020 only. Now I am planning to buy house using housing loan in my name. I am planning to register it in my name. Registration will happen in 1 week time. Will there be any problem for me. Ex., wife claiming part in house, demanding huge alimony pointing house. Kindly give your valuable advice sir/madam
Posted by : gnani
Posted on : 2020-09-03
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
What is the easiest way to get a divorce?
Posted by : Amrik Virk
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
What is contested divorce?
Posted by : Aastha Arora
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
My sister decide to take divorce but...some doubts in property issues sister two minor children's
Posted by : Srinu
Posted on : 2020-10-03
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Sir,my son's wife filef498 a after both agree and filed mutual divorce ( 80percent amt she taken first)in second motion she said I not take divorce and amt return back in court.Then court dismiss the case.we want divorce. PL clarify what we can do. Thanks Baldev
Posted by : Baldev
Posted on : 2018-10-26
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
My marriage happened in November 2019 , my wife was with me till January 31st 2020 however she had to go back to her parents' place after that. As in most of the arrange marriages she is not what one expects from a normal wife, she has been checking my phone , facebook account and what not. She even made a fake profile to have a Idk what kind of chat with me. She has been mentally harassing me to another level where I can't even begin to describe on this question. Frequent calls , messages just to post some random photos saying who is this and why is she standing next to you or why is your phone busy. This is being insane to the next level. I have had consumed alcohol in the past after marriage however I have never physically or verbally abused her or anyone yet she has been telling me that I will make a claim that you used to hit me which is impossible as I haven't . I agree that I shouldn't be consuming the substance without telling her or my family but it's not illegal to drink however what she is claiming is definitely against the law . I am too afraid to bring her back now considering what she might do in the future. I now need to check my options, I work as a sales executive with a monthly income of around 55,000 with no property of my own and had some personal loans a while back but I don't really have anything on my name to show except for a motorbike. She is a house wife, I wanted to understand in case of a divorce , what kind of an alimony request can I expect. There was no exchange of any goods or services in the marriage however both the parties have exchanged some form of Gold in the span of around 3-4 lacs from my side (My parents to her) and around 1 lac (Her parents to me). Kindly guide me , I am going insane . I have all the recordings of our recent talks also the whatsapp history where she is bluntly accusing me of things which I have not done like having an affair which is just blatant lie .
Posted by : Aditya Singh
Posted on : 2020-04-21
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
What fees I have to pay if I file for Divorce by mutual consent?
Posted by : Anshika Vaswani
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Is a lawyer required in mutual consent divorce case in India?
Posted by : Devraj Patil
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
My sister married in 2017 and left for US with her husband in a month. After almost 2+ years she is now considering separation because of various reasons 1. My brother in law promised they would return to India in 2-3 years after marriage but now he wants to settle there but my sister doesn’t 2. Even on a personal level, he is insensitive (doesn’t care about her feelings anymore), interfering (doesn’t allow her to take decisions, meddles on what to buy and what not), doesn’t want to go out for dinner or celebrating anniversaries etc. giving reasons that it's too expensive and its comfortable at home. 3. My parents and I have also had these discussions with him and his family on a couple of occasions and unfortunately, still nothing has changed. Infact, things have worsened because parents are involved now. What are the options my sister has (they don’t have a kid) 1. Should she come back to India alone and then file for separation? Or would that make our case weaker? 2. Is there a possibility that we send a notice first (not divorce) so that he can mend his ways? Has this approach worked in past with couples? 3. What should she do?
Posted by : Mayank Puri
Posted on : 2019-06-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Under Christian law what is the time requirement to file a case for mutual divorce?
Posted by : Kusum Verma
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
My marriage life was full of fights and abuses and sometimes my wife Manhandling me, My wife went to her home in the month of July 2019 as she was carrying, we had a baby boy in the month of september, and she had informed me that she would come in the month of March 2019, now she's not ready to come stay with me and wants me to stay with her or seperately, my parents are aged and both are ill, I want my wife to come stay with me in my home as I dont want my parents to be left out alone, wen asked for divorce she's saying that I will not divorce you wen asked why ,shes saying wen I'm ready to be with you why should I divorce, but she is ready to be with me only if I go be with her parents or seperately. She doesn't want to come back and stay with me and my parents, does this reason help me in getting divorce if I contest, how long might it take for a contested divorce in Bangalore, and what if she says that my parents have I'll treated her and that's why shes not ready to come and stay with me. Can I file for visitation rights of my boy baby who is 8 months old , will I be granted visitation rights to see my baby everyday but not in her home may be some common point or place. As per the Hindu marriage act I think the wife has to be where the husband resides but she is not ready and giving false reasons to come stay with me, please help me in answering above questions
Posted by : Varun
Posted on : 2020-04-22
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Can maintenance be given to a working woman after divorce?
Posted by : Ranjana Saxena
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
How much time is taken in completion of whole process from filing the petition of divorce by mutual consent in court till the passing of the judgment by the court?
Posted by : Rajni Saxena
Posted on : 2018-08-27
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
Sir, i am an youth of age 27 years. At present i am unemployed. My mom took divorce when my age was just 10 days. I & my mom live in maternal uncle house since then. I have little contact with my father. He is a govt employee. His own house is in Guwahati main city with 2 katha land , building. Now from his 2nd marriage he has 3 daughters. I ask him for a small amount of help of Rs 5 lakhs to settle myself. But he denied to give me. Do i have any right on his property?
Posted by : J.Ahmed
Posted on : 2020-10-15
Free Legal Advice - divorce and alimony
What is the procedure for mutual divorce under Sec: 13B of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
Posted by : Anita Basu
Posted on : 2018-08-27