Advocate Nikhil Rathod

एडवोकेट Nikhil Rathod

4.5 | 15+ रेटिंग :

तजुर्बा : 01 वर्ष

शहर : पुणे, महाराष्ट्र

कोर्ट : उपभोक्ता जिला फोरम, पुणे, उपभोक्ता जिला फोरम, पुणे, उपभोक्ता जिला फोरम, पुणे, ऋण रिकवरी ट्रिब्यूनल (डीआरटी) पुणे, जिला न्यायालय, पुणे, परिवार न्यायालय, पुणे, राजस्व त्रिबुअल, पुणे, स्कूल ट्रिब्यूनल, पुणे

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Advocate Nikhil Rathod is a highly respected legal professional known for his unwavering commitment to justice and excellence in Pune. Leading the way at Trident Legal Services, he brings a wealth of expertise across various legal domains, including corporate law, restructuring and insolvency, banking and finance, and more. Nikhil Rathod's unique strength lies in his ability to approach cases from a holistic perspective, taking into account the intricate legal nuances that may affect his clients' objectives. Beyond his legal acumen, he is deeply passionate about upholding fairness, protecting rights, and resolving disputes.


01 वर्ष


आपराधिक विधि

सिविल कानून

तलाक और गुजारा भत्ता

संपत्ति विवाद

पारिवारिक विवाद

बच्चों की निगरानी

महिला सुरक्षा


B.Com, LL.B


English, Mararhi, Hindi


Mon to Sat & 10 am to 8 pm

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