तजुर्बा : 02 वर्ष
शहर : केंद्रीय दिल्ली, दिल्ली
कोर्ट : ऋण रिकवरी ट्रिब्यूनल (डीआरटी) दिल्ली, दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय, जिला उपभोक्ता मंच दिल्ली, जिला न्यायालय, गौतम बुद्ध नगर, जिला न्यायालय, साकेत, परिवार न्यायालय, दिल्ली, भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय, दिल्ली जिला न्यायालय
As a dedicated and highly skilled legal professional, I have a passion for combining meticulous research and I am thrilled at the opportunity to make a positive impact. I have recently completed my LLM from Queen Mary University of London, and currently im working at Supreme Court of India. During my previous experiences I had the opportunity to work with senior partners and do legal research, conduct client interviews and create case documents, including legal complaints, summons, and deposition summaries. I was also responsible for handling interactions with opposing council, judges, and court officials to establish collaborative relationships and open lines of communication. Owing to my strong academic background in law, I can quickly identify appropriate laws, judicial decisions, legal articles, and additional materials that are pertinent to assigned cases. Above all, I am very expert in preparing written reports that attorneys use in determining how cases should be handled. I would be very happy to work on cases and be delighted at the opportunity to work in any of the areas.
02 वर्ष
आपराधिक विधि
सिविल कानून
तलाक और गुजारा भत्ता
चेक बाउंस
चिकित्सकीय लापरवाही
कानूनी नोटिस
English, Hindi
Monday to Friday& 9am to 9pm
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